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The political uproar over racial and ethnic studies programs in higher education is clouding the Official Michigan Panthers Sideline Shirt so you should to go to store and get this reality that few four-year institutions offer a major in Latino studies. Such small numbers also are the reality with majors in the study of other racial and ethnic groups. A major in Latino studies is offered by just 89 of more than 2,600 four-year colleges and universities, according to a new report by The Latinx Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley. Further, the majority of those programs, most established after the Mexican American and Puerto Rican student movements of the 1960s and 1970s, are dramatically underfunded and understaffed, with many having one or no core tenure-track faculty in the program, the researchers found. Just 252 four-year higher education institutions, or 9%, offer an African American or a Black studies major; 52, or 2%, offer an Asian American studies major; 74 or 3% offer a Native American studies major; and 146 or 5% offer a broader Ethnic Studies major, the Berkley research released this month found. Given those numbers, the turmoil over ethnic studies seems “overblown,” said G. Cristina Mora, the study’s lead author. “We are far from having an equitable higher education system that offers the classes and

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research opportunities on all communities, and at the Official Michigan Panthers Sideline Shirt so you should to go to store and get this same time, it’s quite ironic that these nascent and vulnerable programs are targeted because they are somehow taking over,” she added. “Lack of investment in Latino studies is really a willful blindness as we move into the future,” she said. Conservative fears over the study of white supremacy’s role in the making of the U.S. and its persistence in American institutions have led to campaigns to narrow ethnic studies instruction. But Latino and other racial and ethnic studies not only tell the stories of respective communities, but also are critical to collecting demographic data, Mora said. Students in programs with classes on Latino demographics, Mora said, gain better understanding of why some cities are growing at a faster rate than others. Through Latino politics classes, students learn to better understand Latino political trends and how they differ from one state to the next, she said. Recommended U.S. NEWS Florida boat captain killed and passenger injured after lightning appears to strike boat CULTURE & TRENDS A new cooking show breaks down borders through food Nonetheless, the teaching of accomplishments, histories, demographics, culture and more of Latino, Black, Asian and Native Americans and others has become a magnet for political vitriol and a conservative clampdown. In Florida — where nearly 6 million or more than a quarter of residents are Latino — a House bill aims to curtail teaching about race and the histories of Latinos and others. The bill is based on the political wish list of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is expected to be a 2024 Republican presidential candidate. Texas has also targeted racial and ethnic studies and

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